During these disruptive times, BoxLogic has taken steps to maximise our ability to support clients while minimising our chances of contracting and spreading COVID-19.

We will follow Government advice by minimising face-to-face interaction and promoting remote meetings. If travel is necessary then we will discourage the use of public transport, and we are declining all overseas travel. Wherever possible, we will follow the client’s directives to ensure our high levels of service can continue.

We use Microsoft Teams internally for co-working and communication, and PowWowNow for external web / phone conferencing. These are tools that have been used since BoxLogic’s inception, and demonstrate that we are well placed for remote working.

BoxLogic are keen to support companies who are experiencing operational challenges. These could include:

  • Network optimisation
  • Capacity planning
  • Operational scheduling
  • Demand forecasting

Please contact us if you would like to discuss any of the above.