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BoxLogic has a strong background in the fulfilment operations of bricks-and-mortar, omni-channel and pure-play businesses, providing our team with a strong foundation of ‘how it’s done’. After a review of ordering profiles and processes, our consultants can develop a range of practical logistics solutions that leverage any synergies between the channels.
Based on the ‘gap analysis’ of each option, we can support your team with the implementation of any physical layout or systemic developments. You can expect a practical outcome that provides an efficient and robust solution that can accommodate the ongoing transition to a larger online order mix.
Labour, particularly at peak, is increasingly scarce. The adoption of Black Friday in the UK has led to increased competition for labour and escalating costs. Warehouse automation is an investment that can help to overcome the dependency on labour. Goods-to-person solutions, supported by automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), can achieve pick rates between 400- 600 units lines per hour while driving accuracy and storage density.
Our consultants have a vast experience in designing, tendering and supporting the implementation of automated warehouse solutions for blue-chip clients. Automation is a significant investment for most businesses, and it is therefore critical to ensure that the right vendor and a practical solution is selected. Our knowledge of the market and ability to model a range of feasible solutions ensures that a business case and design concept can be evaluated prior to engaging any vendors.
Customer expectations are rapidly growing, and many leading retailers are developing efficient and agile logistics networks to meet these demands.
BoxLogic‘s supply chain consultants are highly experienced in the formulation of network designs that meet changing logistics strategies. Whether your goal is to improve availability, extend online order cut-off times, reduce inventory levels, reduce infrastructure, gear up for growth or enter new markets, we can model a range of costed scenarios to help your management team decide on the most appropriate path for the future.
BoxLogic are specialists in warehouse design and capacity planning. Our team has evaluated the capacity of many large operations (automated and manual) to determine the throughput capacity and headroom of each element of the operation.
We work with your operation to model the impact of a range of design options that seek to address the constraints in the problem areas. As soon as the preferred option is identified and a transition plan is drafted, we can provide further support with equipment tendering and/or project management.
If capacity issues lead to the requirement for more substantial changes, BoxLogic can articulate the implications for the site and wider logistics network.
The speed of progress within the technology sector is startling and it can be difficult to keep up with market developments in the WMS sector. As many as one-third of warehouses do not use a WMS as part of their operations – and are not benefiting from the efficiencies that they offer.
BoxLogic has extensive experience in this area, mapping the existing processes and compiling a business requirements specification. Our detailed market knowledge can identify the most appropriate vendors for your size of business and manage the tender and selection process. Our team is also experienced in the testing and implementation of WMS, as well as its integration with automation and WCS (Warehouse Control Systems).
The design, selection and implementation of a WMS is a complex project with many pitfalls; hiring an experienced team to guide you through this process can significantly de-risk a project and ensure realisation of the expected benefits.
Ensuring that your business finds the right partner to manage activities on its behalf is crucial. Our project team has helped many customers understand the pros and cons of outsourcing, whether it is to focus on core business competencies or to deploy capital towards growth.
BoxLogic’s logistics consultants will perform deep analysis of your business’s processes, costs and volumes as an input to modelling the expected benefits of an outsourced solution. Once evaluated, our experience in preparing detailed tender documents and tender process management provides LSPs (Logistics Service Providers) with the relevant information to respond with a well-informed and costed quotation.
We can support vendor selection and contracting to drive alignment of interests around KPIs and costs – building a strong foundation for a long-term partnership.
Inventory management and stock planning is a vital part of any supply chain. The balance between having enough to maintain stock availability and customer service levels, while also minimising stock within the financial and warehouse space constraints of a business is crucial.
BoxLogic can assess the inventory and stocking policies from a single warehouse to a network of regional and local distribution centres. Our independent and data-driven approach will identify opportunities to change the operating models and inventory profiles to drive stock reductions of slow-moving or obsolete product lines, while maximising the availability of faster-moving products that deliver customer satisfaction and reduce working capital.
The competitive landscape demands that organisations constantly improve in order to succeed. Supply chains, with their significant cost base, are a target to achieve these cost reductions and drive profitability.
Our skilled consultants can identify cost-down opportunities within most warehouse and transport functions through leveraging their exposure to best practice across a wide range of cross-sector companies. Our advice is practical and based on fair and attractive business cases, whether it involves physical changes, investment in equipment or systems developments to achieve the desired cost reductions in your operations.
The competitive landscape and customer expectations are moving quicker than ever before. As site leases and contracts with logistics service providers (LSPs) near the renewal stage, it presents the perfect opportunity to review the suitability of a distribution centre, cross-dock hub or LSP contract.
BoxLogic consultants are experts in strategic network design and can support your logistics operation to evaluate how well aligned your logistics infrastructure or LSP is to your supply chain strategy.
Our team can model the warehouse, stock and transport costs of moving away from, or towards, national and regional distribution centre models – and optimise your supply chain to identify the appropriate number of cross-docking sites to service your customer base at the lowest costs. We can help you take advantage of the opportunity this strategic decision permits.